For many of us, Christmas is more silent nights than joy-filled mornings.

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration and togetherness, but for those whose hearts are broken, Christmas serves to remind us more of what we’ve lost than what we have right in front of us. Chairs are never more empty than when all of your family is sitting around a table. Bodies never feel more broken than when they keep you from being with the ones you love.

We are the weary world. Is advent for us?

For hundreds of years, the Israelites waited and hoped for the Messiah to come. He would be the cure to their pain, the freedom from injustice, the ruler who would bring peace. And then suddenly, but not entirely unexpectedly, the sky lit up and pointed to the promise fulfilled. The Messiah had come.

In the same way God whispered to the Israelites across the ages, “he’s coming”, he whispers to us in our pain, “I’m here.”

When your heart is broken, you aren’t interested in pithy Christian words or dismissive theological platitudes, you just want someone to bear witness to your pain.

Silent Nights is 15 reflections for the hopeless,
the doubters, and those whose hearts are in crisis.

This is advent for those with heavy hearts and burning doubts. I hope you feel seen, heard, understood, and comforted through the narrative retellings of Christ’s story, the heartfelt reflections, and the thoughtfully chosen accompanying playlist.

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